Mt. Toby Friends Meeting - Letter–writing - Sunday, 7-15-18


1.     Ask your Massachusetts Representative to support H. 4577 – Help raise the Net    

        Metering Cap by 2%!

 Help the solar industry in MA get moving again! Many projects are stalled, and solar   

 companies are laying off workers, (3,000 so far) because the caps have been reached   

 nearly everywhere.


2.    Sign the letter requesting that the Senate-House Conference Committee exclude the Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership from Baker’s Environmental Bond Bill. Print your name and address on the Clipboard or send this info to me via email by Monday noon 7-16 – I will add it to the list of names to be submitted with the letter. (Copies on the table)


This letter says that the Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership should not be part of the Environmental Bond Bill.  It needs to be brought forward and considered on its own merits, not part of a bill intended to fund projects which would help mitigate climate impacts and provide climate-related disaster relief! MTWP does neither.


3.     Ask your legislature to support passage of H. 1707 - To establish a special commission to propose changes to the violent and racist State Seal and Motto. “Liberty by the sword” with a sword over a Native American’s head. Details at:

Beth Adams-Member, Peace & Social Concerns Committee