Peace and Social Concerns meeting, November 17, 2014

Present: Adele S, Carol L, Chris M, George M, Susan C, Roger C, Dan G.  Carol was the Clerk for the meeting.

We opened with a time of silence.

Adele will handle the letter-writing on December 14.

If Beth is not available, Susan will give the FCNL announcement on  November 23rd.  Susan will check in with Beth.

A local effort, bringing relief to Syrian refugees, was brought to Susan’s attention by an acquaintance who is directly involved (on the relief side), and who is enlisting the support of local faith communities and has given her information about the effort. The distribution of aid is through the Syrian-American Medical Society.  The local group would like to make a presentation at Mt Toby. The difficulty is that the time after meeting for worship is largely occupied by our own events. Could we find out about other places where they are making presentations, and tell Friends about them?  Susan will see about that, and Roger will ask if there are 11:40 slots free. 

Music Series for Peace and  Justice: Diane was ill and could not be present so we did not hear a progress report from Diane.  She is seeking guidance on how to proceed with MtToby committees and process.  Roger will help her.

Friends Concerns: Other Organizations: Adele will put a notice in the newsletter inviting Friends to offer information about suitable organizations not yet listed in this category.

Service projects: Adele checked on Habitat homes for a service project, but currently there are none in our area.

Service projects: Susan and others have been involved with serving a meal in Turners Falls, and she will send in a newsletter article about it.  We might do more to encourage participation, for example with announcements, particularly on the day before Mt Toby’s “turn” which comes up on six Mondays of the year.  David Nixon is a contact person for coordination of Friends helping with the meals. 

Service projects: Dan will check on meal service opportunities in Amherst.

Our 11:40 hour on gambling and risk was well attended and successful.  A principle emerged that for such events it is good for people to have a way to share their own thoughts and feelings, and also good to raise the Quaker testimonies on the issue.

Film series: the first event, Joanna Macy’s film and the following discussion, was very well attended and successful.  Again as with Pat Hynes’ presentation it seemed that a key to success is inviting non-MtToby people to attend.  (Note: the presentation will be repeated at 7:30 on Dec 11at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Amherst.)  Dan and Roger will come up with the next film; Carol may have suggestions and offered to be a previewer.  We will skip December.

Jennie Isbell is going to the FCNL annual meeting (November 20-23.)  Dan will talk with her to see if we can support her in some way, and we will see if we can learn from her time at the meeting.

George has offered to oversee the bulletin board.

Possibility of a committee retreat: There did not seem to be a need for a committee retreat, at least not now. We might consider having a potluck meal in the spring.

We considered alternate names for the committee and had a lively discussion about it.   “Quaker Witness for a Just World was considered favorably, along with other possibilities, and we will continue the discernment at our next meeting.

George offered to clerk our next meeting.

Our budget :   Roger will keep us up to date on it.

The meeting closed with a time of  silence.