Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business meets at noon on the second Sunday of each month except August. The Clerk of the Meeting facilitates. The agenda is posted in the lobby on that day. All are welcome to attend.

Following is a description of Meeting for Business that may be helpful to newcomers and to Members:


Some Words on Its Spiritual Disciplines

We begin meeting for business by gathering for worship, centering down, asking for spiritual guidance and feeling the unity of our purpose together.

In any matter of business we seek God’s will for us, acknowledging that no one person will have the whole picture.  Friends are urged to listen attentively, with an open mind and heart so they may speak in the Light rather than from passion or intellect.  Meeting for business is meant to be an exploration, not a debate.

In this mutual exploration, there are disciplines that help us.  Friends wishing to speak raise their hand.  When the clerk recognizes them they rise, and, when ready, speak their mind.  If the Clerk asks for silence, all Friends return to worship seeking understanding and openness; in this silence one speaks only if led.

As some clarity emerges the Clerk will try to discern a “sense of the meeting” which represents the Light we corporately share on the matter at this point in time.  This will be reflected in a minute that the Clerk will state and then ask, “Do Friends approve?”  Those who approve so signify and those who do not make their reservations known.  If there is general approval, the Clerk will acknowledge this.  The Recording Clerk may be asked to read back the minute at this point.

If there are reservations, the Clerk may recognize Friends who wish to share their reservations or the Clerk may try modifying the minute.  If two or three persons are still uncomfortable with a course of action, the Clerk may suggest that the Meeting is ready to proceed, though some remain uncomfortable.  The Meeting will confirm this perception or say that the reservations stated seem strong enough (in a spiritual sense) to prevent action at this time.   A sense of the meeting need not be unanimous approval.   If, after several tries, there is no sense of the meeting, the question may be referred to committee or carried over to a future meeting for business.

Over time, our cumulative decisions shape and define us as a spiritual community.  Your regular and worshipful participation will deepen the process and strengthen our unity in the Spirit.

Alan Eccleston, Clerk of Mt Toby Meeting  6/88

 See also: