Mt Toby Friends Meeting is managed by officers of the Meeting (Clerk, Recording Clerk, Treasurer, Building Scheduler, etc), the Meetings for Business, and by a variety of committees.. Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business (AKA Meeting for Business) is conducted on the second Sunday of each month except August. See Meeting for Business for information.
The various committees report their business and make requests of the Meeting for Business. There are standing committees for Ministry and Worship, for Care and Counsel, Hospitality, Burial, Children and Youth programs, Grounds, Land, etc. In addition, ad hoc committees are often formed for short-term projects. Each committee has a Clerk who facilitates and organizes and a Recorder who keeps minutes. The members of standing committees are recommended by the Nominating Committee and approved by the monthly Meeting for Business.
More information about the work of officers and committees is found in the Mount Toby Handbook. Current membership of the committees is posted in the Foyer and is available on the password protected portion of this website.
If you are interested in serving the community in any of these ways, please speak to the Clerk of the relevant committee or to someone on the Nominating Committee.