Contacting Mt Toby Friends Meeting

General Meeting email:

Meetinghouse phone: 413-548-9188  (if you leave a message, please be aware that the answering machine is checked very infrequently. Email is probably a quicker way to get a response)

Mailing address:

The Mount Toby Monthly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
194 Long Plain Road (Route 63),
Leverett, MA 01054

Staying Connected with Mt Toby

A “What’s Happening” email is sent every week to the meeting’s Announcement email list. Occasional items with a clear connection to the meeting, such as meeting events, deaths, urgent needs, etc. are also sent to the Announcement email list.  This list is moderated.

A monthly Newsletter is emailed to those who have subscribed to the Newsletter email list.

The Bulletin Board email list is for items of more general interest to members/attenders. Examples include news about good causes, local performances, movies and lectures, and requests for information or help from the Mt. Toby community.  Members of the list can email each other freely, without moderation.

To sign up for the Announcement or Bulletin Board lists email a request to

To sign up for the Newsletter email list email a request to

Using the email lists

Submit items to the Announcements email list by emailing announcements@mounttobyfriends.orgYour item will be reviewed by the email minder before being sent to the list.

Submit items for the Bulletin Board list by emailing  bulletinboard@mounttobyfriends.orgYour item will be immediately sent out to the list.

Submit items for the meeting’s weekly email about events at Mt. Toby to

Submit items for the meeting’s monthly newsletter to

More Information

Full contact information for the meeting and its members and regular attenders in the  password-protected area. of this website.  Contact the website manager for access information: